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Business Law-201 Writing Assignment 1 - 2057 Words

Lizbeth Gerena Business Law 201 Writing Assignment 1 Prof. Benichou May 3, 2015 Case Study 1 Crime: The students at Gigantic State University (GSU) committed several crimes when they decided to take over Dunfee Hall. The most dangerous was the assault with a deadly weapon (firearm). Whether it was real or just a play gun it was used to represent a real gun. The victim thought it to be real and she collapsed in a sobbing heal on her desk. The second crime that was committed that was the most alarming, was the hostage take over. They stormed the building and blocked Mr. Chandler in his office and would not let him out. Even†¦show more content†¦Negligence is defined as the failure to use reasonable care to avoid a foreseeable harm to a person, place or thing. A person has acted negligently if he/she has departed from the conduct expected of a reasonably prudent person acting under similar circumstances. The hypothetical reasonable person provides an objective by which the conduct of others is judged. The law considers a variety of factors in determining whethe r a person has acted as the hypothetical reasonable person would have acted in a similar situation. These factors include the knowledge, experience, and perception of the person, the activity the person is engaging in, the physical characteristics of the person, and the circumstances surrounding the person’s actions. Yes, the negligence in this case is that the students were negligent. They engaged in a threatening act that a reasonable, prudent person would not by painting what appeared to be a weapon at a person and threatening their life. Just the fact that they stormed the building fits the definition of negligence. Even if their intention was not to hurt anyone physically, they did hurt people mentally in the case of Prudence. There are many different ways in which they could have gone about this in a more peacefully way, which makes this negligence in itself. Who should be held liable for the damages (physical and mental)? All of the students who participated in this event should be chargedShow MoreRelatedEssay on Business Admin2889 Words   |  12 Pagescinnes@fullerton.edu Course Prerequisites: Grade of C or above in English 101 and BUAD 201, or their equivalents. You may not be enrolled in BUAD 201 and BUAD 301 simultaneously. Course Description: In BUAD 301 you will build upon skills acquired and developed in BUAD 201. Using these basic, but crucial, communication skills you will continue to produce documents but of a more sophisticated nature. Whereas in BUAD 201 the messages were relatively straightforward, as you became familiar with producingRead Morebusiness law chap 92036 Words   |  9 Pagesï » ¿ DE PAUL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF COMMERCE DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT BUSINESS LAW - 201 INSTRUCTOR: SAMUEL B. 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