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Human Resources Management (Study Notes) - 4758 Words

PGDBM Human Resources Management Name: Anthony Koegelenberg Assignment 1: Human Resources Management Student No: 123895 Page 1 of 21 Human Resources Management Student No: 123895 Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................... 3 Question 1 ................................................................................................................ 4 Answer 1 ................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 4 Fundamental of Human Resources†¦show more content†¦It also provides work for a large proportion of the labour market and accounts for a significant contribution to our gross domestic product. (Loosemore, 2003). Basil Read’s founding principles – hard work, team effort and integrity – are evident in every contract we undertake. A combination of innovative technology and unwavering attention to detail enables Basil Read to meet and exceed clients’ requireme nts. Source: www.basilread.co.za/financials/2011/BR-AnnualReport-2011.pdf The success and growth of Basil Read as detailed in the case study illustrates the key role that human resource management (HRM) plays in determining the survival, effectiveness, and competitiveness of businesses operating in South Africa today. The construction industry in South Africa is typically characterized as a labour-intensive and low-tech sector influenced by continues labour strikes and union politics. Meanwhile, it is also the sector consistently found the least productive. Commonly cited reasons for such poor performance in this sector are fragmentation, project-based culture, labour brokers and casual labour. These factors have something in common, they point to the difficulty in managing human resources within the construction industry. Therefore, as per our case study organisation, Basil Read, and their continuous success is to increase theShow MoreRelatedCase Study : Job Redesign For Expanded Him Functions856 Words   |  4 PagesAnalysis Of Case Study By Elizabeth L ayman (2011), Job Redesign For Expanded HIM Functions. The principal of the goal setting applied in this case is implicated new changes to employees by working smarter and reducing the stress overload on a daily basis. Changing the nature of it employee work environment. Introducing culture, policies, procedures, technology and the volume of task and the type of task an employee preforms. 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