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Monday, November 11, 2019

Wellness Worksheet

Wellness Worksheet 39 Due: Oct. 6th by 11:59 pm. Facts About ContraceptionPoints: ___/20 To help you choose the best method of contraception for you and your partner, you must be familiar with the different methods. Fill in the boxes with the advantages and disadvantages of each method, along with how well each one protects against pregnancy and STD’s, I am looking for percentages/failure rates. Use outside resources if necessary. Method| Advantages| Disadvantages| Effectiveness/STD Protection| Oral Contraceptives| Easy to use, reduces mentsral cramps, can improve acne, prevents ectopic pregnancy. Weight gain, blood clots, headaches, and depression. | 99% effective and does not protect from std’s. | Vaginal spermicides| Can be purchased without a prescription, inexpensive, immediate protection. | Allergic reactions may occur, and can be difficult to insert. | 50-95% effective and does not protect against std’s. | Vaginal contraceptive ring| Can leave it in for 3 weeks, don’t have a period while it is in| Vaginal irritation, discharge, nausea, headache| 99% effective and does not protect against std’s. Contraceptive implants| Contraception for 3 years, doesn’t interfere with intercourse, low cost and you don’t have to remember to take it. | Changes in periods, headaches, and acne. | 99% effective and does not protect agains std’s. | Withdrawal| No side affects, don’t have to remember to take anything,| May not withdraw in time, may forget to withdraw when in the moment. | Probably about a 50% effectiveness, and definitely does not protect against std’s| Emergency contraception| Safe, excellent form of backup if something fails| Nausea, abdominal pain, fatigue, and headaches. 75-89% effectiveness, and does not protect against std’s. | IUD| Immediately effective, does not change hormonal balance, can be used for 5 years| Requires a doctor for insertion and removal, may cause infection, ma y injure the uterus during insertion. | One of the most effective forms of birth control, does not protect against std’s. | Male Condom| Convenient, easy to obtain, inexpensive, lightweight, and disposable. | May dull sensation, may be less enjoyable, must be pre-planned, some don’t like that you can’t feel the warm fluid. 95% effective, protects against std’s. | Female Condom| Easy insertion, doesn’t require a prescription, doesn’t change hormonal balance, easy to obtain. | May move around, may irritate both vagina and penis, feeling and sensation may be reduced. | 79-95% effective, greatly reduces chances of std’s. | Male and Female Sterilization| Don’t have to think about birth control, works right away. | Have to have surgery, risk of infection and reversals almost always do not work. | 99% effective, does not protect against std’s. |

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