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Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay on Incorporating Adventure in Your Life - 771 Words

A person must always choose between living their life accustomed to settling for less or actually living their lives the way they want to. We suffer from the fear of missing out on life experiences and in the end all we really want is to be happy of the life we chose to live. The willingness to take an adventure can range for example someone quitting their job that they hate and going after for the job they actually want. A second type of adventure can be a little bigger than that like actually having the ambition of finishing school and reaching the profession that you aspired to have in your life. Lastly an adventure can go as far as moving out of a small town and into the city where no one knows who you are and the adventure of your†¦show more content†¦At a point in life we get eager for something different and that is when we take upon that adventure to find something new. An adventure can range on how much of a drastic change it has on your life. Starting from the bottom to the top is a goal that most people aspire. No one wants to be stuck in a job for the rest of their lives where there not going to be happy with what they are doing. In most cases you just think of kids’ right out of high school going to college to make something of themselves but in some other cases its older young adults and older adults that want to take the risk of going back to school to better themselves. There is no age limit on dreaming for what you want and for example most college students are taking the adventure of going to school and reaching their future ideal profession. If people didn’t have the motivation to aspire to be better we wouldn’t have doctors, lawyers, and fire fighters in our world. The world is filled with many people that just need to push to have adventure in their lives; people should not settle and be stuck in a job where they ha ve to hate not only their jobs but sometimes their own lives. Our own parents for many people are living examples of people that want better lives for us they are the ones that show us that if we don’t make something of our lives we will regret it. Change will not come to us but we have to go after change. Taking an adventure in life is something you have to doShow MoreRelatedHobbits Use the Law of Attraction on Their Adventure through Middle Earth1006 Words   |  4 Pageshave no use for adventures (Tolkien 12) and prefer not to involve themselves with those that do. Bilbo Baggins, on the other hand, comes from a long line of rebellious hobbits, who craved adventure. Despite his introvert life, Bilbo cannot avoid adventure when it tumbles into his hobbit hole. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

What is Art Free Essays

Art has no agreed upon definition. Art appears In many different forms, from paintings and sculptures to crafts and even tattoos. Art Is an expression of what one thinks is beautiful and captivating. We will write a custom essay sample on What is Art? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Art could be a song that makes you remember cherished memories or one that allows you to imagine the future. A painting of a beautiful field that looks so peaceful and inviting a person could escape from their reality and picture themselves surrounded by the serenity the artist has portrayed. Most everyone has his or her opinion of what art Is. A sculpture like Michelangelo, David, depicts the beauty of the male form, although some people might find It offensive, It has been considered a masterpiece of the Renaissance period. The Nude Magma by Francisco Soya this portrait is controversial for obvious reasons, while some may see the beauty in the nude woman form; others may regard this painting distasteful. Leonardo dad Vine’s, famous, Mona Lisa has long been a topic of discussion in regards to what the painting itself represents, is it a man or a woman? Is there really a mystery behind that smile or Is she attempting to hide the pain? Art Is open to Interpretation, and that Is one of the many great things about It. Buildings like the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Bucking Palace, and the Pyramids of Gaza, as well as structures like the Golden Gate Bridge and the Brooklyn Bridge, are designed in ways that took an immense amount of skill and imagination. These masterpieces are not only works of art, but they are all famous landmarks. Music Is also a form of art that has been around for a very long time. In the early period, there were composers of medieval music and Renaissance music. The Common Practice period brought us Baroque, Classical, and Romantic music and the Modern and Contemporary period brought Modern, 20th Century, Contemporary, and 21 SST Century music. The commonality, no matter what period, is the feeling one gets when one listens to the music. You can feel the music deep within as If It is awakening every cell In your body. Music of all genres Is considered art, and when you pair It with dance, It brings the art to another level. There is no simple answer to the question, what is art? To me, art is something beautifully unique. A piece of the artist that was created to make people understand and experience what the artist was feeling at the time. Some of the best art I have ever seen and cherish the most are not the Mona Lisa or David. They are the photographs I have taken of my family and friends with huge smiles or goofy expressions. The macaroni necklaces and handmade Christmas ornaments my children have made me over the years. The pictures colored for me by my granddaughter. To me, they are priceless masterpieces. Therefore, in my opinion, art truly is in the eye of the beholder. Unfortunately, I have not has a great deal of exposure to the works of any particular artist. When it comes to art in any form, for me, I will know if I like or dislike any piece as soon as I see it. I have found that what draw me in are the various colors used, as well as the style. How to cite What is Art?, Papers What is Art Free Essays Art is defined as the process or the product of elements that are arranged to affect the senses or emotions. It is a way by which we stimulate our senses and emotions in many forms. Most art forms that are recognized by everyone include sculptures, paintings, dance, music, and the like, but now, the definition of art is less stringent than it was before. We will write a custom essay sample on What is Art? or any similar topic only for you Order Now With the concept of art being scrutinized under the subjective lens of value judgments, main basis for considering one an art now is the perception of an individual. The perception of something whether attractive or repulsive is colored by experience and need not be the pursuit of the aesthetic. Eating, though not always considered as art, may be considered as such. With the expanded definition of art to encompass so many things, eating is not excluded. Eating in itself is creative, which is why it can be classified as an art form. With different people having different ways of eating the same food, it is also augmented by the artistry of the food and the experiences that one goes through when in the process of eating. The act itself is the process by which we stimulate our senses, and in another place, even emotions. While it doesn’t mainly use the conventional eye to perceive the work (in this case, food), the tongue and the taste is the main sense that enables the person to give a value judgment of the work. In many cases where fine dining is concerned, aesthetic appeal is also given a premium, so much so that there are even techniques in arranging the food, called plating. Emotions can also be evoked by eating especially with the cultural background of the cook and the food. An Asian migrant in France might miss home with a well done dimsum and remember how his mother used to cook for him when he was a kid with the congee he’s eating. Overall, eating is a multi-dimensional experience that is judged through the different senses (taste, aroma and look) and the experiences they evoke from the ones who experience the food. Moreover, these cultural and economic backgrounds influence the way people eat, therefore, giving a different experience. Such differences include picking which part of the pizza to eat first, picking out individual ingredients of a salad to eat in order, separating the sauce from the food, etc. Eating is the process of judging the taste of a dish, how well it is presented and how it is authentic new or any other impression the food may leave to the one eating, as well as the way people eat based on their culture and economic standing. These processes are the aesthetic experiences of eating that are visual as well as those that go beyond the visual. These experiences enable the person to judge the food and express their own ways on how to eat them based on their sentiments and tastes, which is the whole point of aesthetics. With the main factor involved in aesthetics being the response and reaction of the person to the food, eating incites such automatic reactions which can range from the food being awesome to being disgusting linked to cultural values. Other factors involved in aesthetic judgment include will and desire, and preference and choice, which are all evoked through the process of eating. How to cite What is Art?, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Renault Speeds Up Delivery with a New DSS free essay sample

The assumption was that if a client can get exactly the right model with the right olor and all the options he or she wishes in a reasonably short delay (i. e. three weeks), Renault will gain benefits simultaneously on three levels: * Reduction of car inventory level. (Thanks to short delivery times, customers can wait for their cars, so that dealerships can lower their stock levels. ) * Reduction of the price discounts designed to sell cars that do not match exactly clients desires. * Since all the options are available to customers with short delivery times, expectation of selling a more profitable product mix. In other words, Renault decided to switch its supply chain from a built-to-inventory to a built-to-order perspective, while offering a more diverse product range with shorter delivery times! Such an ambitious strategy required a tremendous speed-up of the entire planning process, ranging from the national sales companies (NSC) to the assembly plants via the headquarters. We will write a custom essay sample on Renault Speeds Up Delivery with a New DSS or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Let us examine this planning process. At the start of each month, NSCs all over Europe define monthly sales forecasts for every model for years Y and Y+l . Then the headquartered sales epartment reviews the fgures with industrial planners so as to ensure that resulting productions comply with plants capacities, those of Renault and of its suppliers. The discussion between sales and industrial departments may lead to the upgrading of industrial capabilities or to the lowering of sales targets, due to industrial bottlenecks. This planning process took nearly a month each month! The New Delivery Project required the planning process to be shortened to three weeks. Alongside the planning process, customer orders taken in